Thursday, May 6, 2010

Unethical Teachers - Corrupt Education

In spiritual, in Hinduism teachers are called Guru, in Islam mullah and Rabbi in Jewish and In Tibet teachers are call Lama. Now being a teacher is a professional occupation usually employed in formal schools and institutions. Most colleges and universities require teachers who have professional qualification. A teacher is a person who is guiding, instructing and training a person or group of students in a particular academic knowledge or skill.

It is a gift of being a teacher because teaching is a difficult job. It requires utter dedication and selflessness to be able to impart your learning to the students. It not only deals with academic knowledge alone. Being very knowledgeable will not immediately qualify as a good teacher. What is more important is the attitude and the skill of being able to transfer the lessons effectively to the students.

Nobody, in India intentionally prefer the profession as teacher, but in lack of money leads him to teaching to get some money or fail to get higher percentage studies make one to no other choice than being a teacher. All over the the world, the word "Master" is used for a person who has expert of his field. But this word " master " in India is used to tease somebody like he is typical school teacher. The unethical teachers had made the word so cheap that even teachers prefer to call them Sir, Madam or teacher instead of Master. Teaching value and morals have gone down in public school as well as in private school

These are the dialogues of one of the school of India.

  • School teacher : ' Your son is very weak in studies you need to take care of him'
  • Parent : ' My son is regular and comes to school everyday'
  • Teacher : ' That's not everything you have to teach him at home too'
  • Parent : ' Why home, what he is doing here ? , almost six hours everyday and you have neither playground nor sport equipments to play here.'
  • Teacher : 'We teach all the students in class but very few left with poor performance and one of that is your son, he do not concentrate '
  • Parent : ' So what should I do ?'
  • Teacher : ' Teach him at home and help him doing home work, he gets it from school.
  • Parent : ' But we hardly get time to teach him at home"
  • That what teacher wanted parents to ask him
  • Teacher : Take the private tuition from somebody you know'

Naturally, right now parents only know the teacher standing front of him and parents wants their children to stay ahead of other students. So the parents will ask the school teacher to favour and take the tuition for the so called weak student. Teachers know what questions going to ask in examination by understanding little syllabus and last years examination paper. Tutor will teach him that questions only that going to ask in examination. After this talk if the parents are not capable for paying for tuition, a weak student may get hard time in school.

While the student has lack of concentration how he gone a taken care by private tuition and not in school. By chanting some of questions and answers ? Lack of interest in teaching by teachers, as they have to raise some extra income from tuition, leaving their morals and ethics aside. Now, the private tuition classes sign boards are visible everywhere.

Every year, the government sets aside billions of rupees for schools. This money is spend by government granted schools and Municipality schools in India. Corrupt school management don't let pass money to teachers and students, they pay lower salaries to teachers than standards. Recent Bollywood's Hindi Movie '3 Idiots' disclose the wrong teaching attitude of teachers. They have to create the well educated student instead of well trained students. (like circus lion)

Friday, April 30, 2010


Nothing is free in this world, not peace of mind, Not the prayer to the god, to visit the temple you have to pay. Years ago there was only one community (Brahmin )handling and managing the temples and for the expenses of the temples they need donations and had very small income from the temples. They know all the ritual activities with hindu religious and Brahmin do this activities in Sanskrit language only. Multiple language country India never used this Sanskrit language other than ritual activities and all the worship done with or without translated meaning of Sanskrit.

But the time has changed now, with rising economy , with rising every one's income, the race has begun now for getting rich, Everybody running for new car, new house and try to make maximum money possible. Money comes with lots of trouble also rose the instability of mind. There are huge crowds coming in the temples, In this race they need peace of mind. The crowd bought big donations to the temple and income of temples have lead to bad intention of temple's organisers.

If you are looking for new business, Making temples is very good business, ready steady and cash income from temples. All you have to do is you should have land at proper location OR should have enough political contacts to capture good location in your city to build a temple. First of all make one 2 x 2 feet small temple called deri and as you are very busy person to do lot of work, hire Poojari (a person who is Brahmin by birth and know all activities to pray god.) do to all routine jobs with temple. Gradually step by step you have to enlarge the size of temple, you don't have to worry if you are blocking the road. Within a year you will find a big, marble fitted, flags on the top and crowded by the lots of Indian hindu people temple in the middle of the road. The every visitor come in the temple with trust by his heart, put some money in Box in front of God or Goddess and the Income starts.

Criminals, the land mafia and anti-social elements exploit religious sentiments of the people to grab "public land" through the construction of such places of worship, A large chunk of land thus remains under illegal occupation and in middle of road blocking the traffic. Indian court had also ordered to demolish such illegal construct, but political activities and religious sentiments of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and others creates the riots in the city. Land-grabbing is one aspect, but the problem turn out to the different direction. In any Indian religious place, In the name of religion, money making minded people set up around the temple to generate their incomes, these people includes all of them sweet shops (prasad), flower shops and others. More over, beggers are biggest nuisance outside the temples.

Is there really possible to get peace of mind in such crowded. polluted, dirty places ? The intention of religious service provider is not right as they talk about the peace of mind, connection in god and their interest in making money only. If you visit religious places around India you will have numbers of bad experiences for paying money (in name of daxina) forcibly for religious activities done by local people. Some religious had made new temples by their income of donation as a mean of only family entertainment places, it is difficult to find any spiritual activities over there. Now if we consider this spiritual activity as a business, this type of business should be very transparent. They must disclose every income and expenses of temple.

What a single person can do to stop unethical act around temples.
  • Never give donation to the temple which are illegally constructed or do not keep the temple clean.
  • Do not buy anything around from the shops outside temple if they had blocked street or their shops are dirty.
  • Never encourage the beggars by giving change instead find some organisation to rehabilitate them.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Media - Newspaper & Television News.

Media people provide us the report of recent events, previously unknown information, something having a specified influence or effect, and lots of advertisements. How you get your news? Mostly newspaper but maybe Television, Internet or Radio. While the primary definition of news is a report of recent events, much of the news reported in not useful information, but salcious (Masala added) news to ignite an emotional response of fear, superiority and many more.

There is no such a big crimes on Indian streets compared with Europe or American country, but our media persons, mostly our regional newspaper make is front page looks so criminal, that negative impact on ordinary citizen's brain is very high। Every morning open the newspaper with crime report and the news are written such a attracting way, that can raise the news paper sale। Most regional newspaper are found with a one female celebrity (may be Hollywood or some other country) half nude picture attending some parties or award functions. These pictures also making attraction to the readers and may be sale of that newspaper must be going up.

Compare our newspapers with foreign newspaper, even in America, crime news hardly appears on front page and you need a good search if you want to read crime news, though there are lots of street crime in every city of America. But never find in newspaper. The way Indian newspaper print or the news television shows the news is not right and they are themselves kind of terror to keep the people of country in terror. Media will never let you understand, what is the dispute for in Kashmir or the dispute with the maoist.

The news have very bad impact on every one's mind. Feelings for your neighbourhood, city get desperate and disgusting. Media persons have some moral responsibly for the society and for the people of the country. It's easy to find the anti propaganda of some newspaper and television channel for the State Chief Minister or the Prime minister of the country, whereas they are elected by the people. Political forces make them do so as the media is directly or indirectly owned by opposite political party.

The bribe for the media persons is not as common as traffic police taking bribe on the road. The average person rarely comes into direct professional contact with any media persons and even when they do have contact, there?s no reason for the media persons to demand a bribe or other benefits from an ordinary citizen. But once you are caught by police or Income Tax people and the Media person got the news for that they are definitely approach you for NOT to broadcast your news and to maintain the image in society and to stop police taking further action, you for the sure gone pay to these guys.

Media not only charging money for your company's advertisement, but for the news also. If celebrity wants to come on the page 3, or somebody wants his vested interest in particular news, they have to pay for it. So, media charging money both the ways for printing news and sometimes for not printing the news when they have report and somebody wants him not to broadcast the news.

News you can use, Right news straight to you, or Aaj tak abhi tak ki khabre, all that have moral and ethically have responsibility to provide real transparent news for their viewers and readers. But the money making mania, don't let them do that. The media persons have to run behind the every crime and manipulation and catch them in video, cameras. Every day they have to think - from where they can find the best news, not the big money.

We should be avoiding the crime news every morning in routine to spoil the day and also avoid the news paper that are not ethically right on their way।