Tuesday, April 20, 2010


MBBS - MD - Medical Practitioner and Surgeon = A Doctor

Once upon the time, people used to say "Doctor is God". But, that days have gone now, doctors spend lots of money for their study and get certificate of doctorate degree. Even weak student can get degree, but have to spend some extra money for admission (donation) to get admitted in medical school and they have to move out (more expenses) of his town/ country for studies. All expenses these people spend will be collected from their patients in the future. They have to have become real professional doctors to make money ( to recover the money they spend and years they have spend)

Practising doctor have to make some more money, so he can make his children doctor. Have to maintain the status in society and have to run house and his hospital or clinic. he need to attract customer (patients) to make money. Doctors makes the net to suck the patients, they have all commission network around them, patients goes to Pathology or X-ray or further treatment like need surgery. In case the doctors wants make some extra money he will send the patients to any of these network places. Now the big hospitals in the city pays very handsome commission if any doctor suggest hospital name to their patients.

Doctors malpractice to make money can be killer, it has been experienced by many people that they are victim of doctors.

  • 1. Doctor will prefer you visit him again. (even if you don't need to visit him)
  • 2. Doctors will recommend particular pathology lab. for blood test, x-ray etc.
  • 3. The prescribed medicines are recommended by Pharmaceutical companies. ( These medicines are more expensive and same drugs available at cheaper rate )
  • 4. In case you need surgery, he will suggest you the hospital which pays him highest commission.

Medical treatment is a question of life with any misguided treatment. If something gone wrong. You need lots of money and time if you want to go to court against doctor in India. So, better take some preventing measures, so you don't have to stuck with them. click this link to understand USA medical malpractice law.

1. Find the doctor you can trust. (not money making minded)
2. In case of any doubt (or in case you get negative report which need further treatment or surgery ) with pathology report, take another labs opinion, without informing your doctor.
3. Do not hesitate to take another doctor's opinion in case of surgery.

Untrusted these practices has lead the people of to the rise of Baba yogi Ramdev.

The author of this article is not the medical professional.

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